June 26, 2020
The beautiful summer weather is here, flowers are blooming and the sky is amazing. As you work from home or look outside during the day, do you find yourself wishing you had new windows? So [...]
May 4, 2020
Social distancing. Gloves. Stay at home. This is the new norm for many of us BUT life still goes on, nature still brings heavy rains and winds and some homes still need roof, siding or [...]
April 2, 2020
The five basic necessities to survive:- Air- Water- Food- Shelter- Sleep During the startling and unprecedented current events, a fair amount of people have probably had this thought go through their mind, as they contemplated [...]
March 19, 2020
As a dedicated member of the Kenosha community for over 60 years, the team at Dick’s Roof Repair is deeply saddened by current events. Our hearts go out to everyone who is struggling during these [...]
January 24, 2020
Windows, simple pieces of glass, wood or metal that separate our homes from the outside. They are meant to keep us safe, warm and dry and, often time, we don’t think about them ... until [...]
December 30, 2019
As the holidays pass, now is the time to think about your goals for next year. It is also a perfect opportunity to start thinking about the roof over your head and any necessary roof [...]
November 19, 2019
It's that time of year when Kenosha homeowners begin bringing their outdoor holiday decorations up from the basement and begin the rewarding, yet tedious, process of decorating their homes. Exterior decorations take special care. There [...]
October 23, 2019
Halloween is over and the rest of the holiday season is soon to follow! Pumpkins, lights and holiday decor will begin to make their appearance - from yards to doorsteps to roofs, from Downtown Kenosha [...]
September 27, 2019
In over 60 years of business, Dick’s Roof Repair list of happy customers is extensive. From siding to roofing, we always love to hear from them. Recently, Mount Pleasant's very own John Owens took the [...]
August 9, 2019
We made it through the dog days of summer and cooler fall temperatures - along with the beautiful Wisconsin fall colors - will soon be upon us. It’s a perfect time of year to have [...]
July 19, 2019
Many of us think of siding as one way to keep our homes warm and cozy during cold weather. But quality siding can also help keep your home cool - and your energy bills lower- [...]
June 3, 2019
Technology has impacted all areas of the housing market and Dick’s Roof Repair is constantly on the look-out for innovative new products that will save our customers money. Our top picks are high-quality, durable products [...]
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